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Cyberattacks of May 29, 2023: things are heating up in cyberspace!

In today's digital world, cyberattacks are as common as updates to our favorite apps. On May 29, 2023, we saw a few attacks worth mentioning. Hang on, it's going to shake!

GobRAT: A nightmare for Linux routers

Imagine malicious software sneaking into your Linux router and installing a backdoor. This is exactly what GobRAT does. It disguises itself as an Apache process to go unnoticed. It's a stark reminder that our internet-connected devices can be the gateway to broader attacks.

COSMICENERGY: When the lights go out

A newcomer to the world of malware, COSMICENERGY, has fun disrupting the power supply. It was designed by an entrepreneur for eating disruption exercises. It's a sign that the bad guys in cyberspace are getting smarter and learning from their past mistakes. One more reason to strengthen the security of our critical infrastructures.

OAuth flaw: Beware of your data

A flaw in the OAuth framework of the Expo platform could allow an attacker to hijack accounts and steal sensitive data. All it takes is one malicious link and presto, your data could be exposed. It's a reminder that app security and secure coding are more important than ever.

Let's stay alert and maintain strong security practices to protect against cyberattacks. Cybercriminals never sleep, so let's stay informed and protect our systems and data.


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